The Sisterhood, NSUJL, Offers Families much more than Financial Assistance ” We have found that after an accident or fatality, the wives of these brave men are left feeling (among other things) lost, confused, and brokenhearted,” says Jessica Lackey, Vice President of the NSUJL.
Mrs. Lackey goes on to say, ” I started collaborating last August with Christa Benward, the wife of an injured Journeyman Lineman, when we reached out to a wife after an OTJ accident in Mississippi. And then, time after time, we found that these women desperately wanted/needed to be able to talk to someone who has been in their shoes. Someone who truly understands how they’re feeling, can answer questions, and who they can vent to freely. Then, ‘Sister to Sister’ was born.”
The National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Linemen is an official 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to to assisting families of Fallen/Injured I.B.E.W. Journeymen Linemen, Utility Linemen, Apprentice Linemen, Groundmen or Operators. It’s NSUJL’s mission to provide emergency financial, emotional and physical assistance, in cases of work related injuries or death. While the financial and physical assistance have always been a clear answer to a specific need, the emotional support is a much more delicate issue. NSUJL feels that the addition of this amazing group of Sisters is a huge step in the right direction of fulfilling this part of their Mission. Read full story…