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Climbing for Lost Linemen

Climbing for Lost Linemen

On Saturday, August 15th, lineworkers and their families from across the United States will gather in Freeland, Pennsylvania to pay tribute to lives lost during the prior year.  Two poles are set in the middle of the new NSUJL property, and climbers will scale the pole while carrying a lantern bearing the name of a lost lineman.  Once at the top, the candle is lit and strung between the two poles.

This ceremony is performed each year to honor those lost.  Not only are lineworkers whose lives were tragically cut short due to a work-related incident, but also those who have passed due to other causes throughout the year.  Family and friends pay tribute to their loved ones during this ceremony.


This year’s honorees are listed on the banner below.  Please take a moment of silence to honor them, and if you can attend CFLL we look forward to seeing you on Saturday, August 15th at 555 Foster Ave., Freeland PA.

Also, each night at 6 PM we will be honoring one from now until the 15th on the NSUJL Climbing for Lost Linemen Facebook Page.  Please join us if you are able.