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What does NSUJL stand for?

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NSUJL stands for The National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Linemen. But it stands for so much more.

It stands for our mission. At NSUJL our mission is to provide immediate assistance to the families of IBEW Journeymen Linemen, Apprentice Linemen, Operators and Groundmen following an on the job injury or fatality.

It stands for the assistance we provide to these families. Every families’ needs are different, and doing whatever we can to meet these needs during and ease the burden in the time when their lives have been turned upside down, that’s what we do.

  • We offer financial assistance to help with bills, travel expenses and their needs while they’re trying to put the pieces of their lives back together.
  • We offer emotional assistance. The line life in and of itself is hard to understand to so many, but when your line life comes to a screeching halt because of an injury or fatality, it’s great for these Brothers and families to have others to turn to that get it.
  • We can set the families up with grief counselors, which is something we have done in the past and will continue to do when the need arises.

It stands for physical assistance. When we have a director or member in the area we are able to help these families. Some examples of the physical assistance we have provided are driving them to and from the hospital or doctor appointments. Watching their children so they can go to the doctor or physical therapy.

We have also delivered home cooked meals. These are just some examples, but not the limits.

It stands for being a 501(c)3 publicly funded charity. What does this mean to you, our members & sponsors? It means that all contributions made to NSUJL are tax deductible!  It means that we rely on your contributions, memberships, sponsorships and donations, all of these things are vital to our organization being able to fulfill our mission and help these families.  But beyond that it means that the IRS recognizes us, watches us and we at NSUJL must abide by their rules and our mission. It means that we WILL do what we say we’re going to do, that we WILL fulfill our mission that we WILL do what we have set out to do.

It stands for Sisterhood, Brotherhood & the IBEW. I encourage all of you to be a part of the Sisterhood that supports the Brotherhood. There are SO many ways each and every one of you can get involved. Become and NSUJL member.

Have your company sponsor NSUJL or at our annual benefit events. Participate in one of our events. Make a tax deductible donation. Pass the hat for NSUJL.

Honor the Brotherhood, Support the Sisterhood, that’s what it’s all about!